Message from the Organizers:

Dear respected brother or sister.

Assalaamu Alaikum!

We would like to welcome you to MSA PSG’s second annual Single’s Halaqa. Through this program, we hope to be able to have serious discussions regarding issues surrounding marriage in our communities and learn from each other about what it takes for a marriage to be successful.

Single’s Halaqa is a series of guided discussions amongst single brothers and sisters that will occur during MSA PSG’s two day conference this coming December from the 23nd to the 24th 2016. The discussions will be in the form of two sessions a day, one in the morning and one in the evening.

The discussions will be based off of a short lecture provided by an Islamic scholar in the beginning of each session. The topics selected will be about marriage and family life from an Islamic perspective.

Brothers and sisters are highly encouraged to  attend every session in order to gain the full experience of the program. They will be mixed into different groups each session. Facilitators will be assigned for each group in order to help facilitate discussions.

thank you,

Single’s Halaqa Team

Official Online Application Form

Tell Us About Yourself.

Fill out the form below to be allowed access to the Singles Halaqa sessions during the 2016 conference.
Required fields are denoted with an asterisk (*) symbol.

Single's Halaqa
State in which you currently reside
City in which you currently reside
If not originally from the U.S, How long have you lived here?
1: Not Serious at All, 10: Very Serious

© 2024 Muslim Student Association PSG of North America